General information relayed from the auditor's YouTube audit video.
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AUDITOR / PUBLIC Majority Vote: |
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Audit ID: | 47332 |
Audit type: | FIRST AMENDMENT |
Region: | USA |
Date: | 10 Dec 2023 |
Auditor: | |
Title: | Security Guards FREAK Out Over A Man With A Camera & Call Police! EDUCATED! |
Description: | Fellow Patriots & Freedom Lovers, let’s fundamentally change policing in our country & put the power back into the hands of We the People! Join Attorney Shield today & save up to 50% during our early signup event!Thats less than $5 a month! ???? Watch our official announcement video to learn more about Attorney Shield here ???? I’ve partnered with Lackluster to create Attorney Shield because we truly believe that Attorney Shield will fundamentally change policing in our great country. We The People need to be protected from tyranny & corruption. Our Rights matter. Please consider spreading the word to friends & family about Attorney Shield. The more people have this on their phone the more impact it will have on police interactions throughout our country! Watch our official announcement video to learn more about Attorney Shield here ???? Please don’t forget that after you sign up you will recieve an email with a link to join our private Discord Server where you can communicate with myself & Lackluster as well like minded free men & women! See you there! Please be sure to hit the Like button and Share this video! It truly helps spread this around for more Patriots to see it and I appreciate it! __________________________________________________________________ If you feel the need to PEACEFULLY petition your grievances to your government OR commend any public servants on their behavior regarding this incident I will leave public contact information below. Always remember, this is your right under the 1st Amendment to the U.S Constitution! Pennsylvania Capitol Police: __________________________________________________________________ I STRONGLY suggest that everyone has a Dash Cam for their vehicle. It will protect you & your family during a traffic stop & from insurance fraud. This is the Dash Cam I use in my vehicle & recommend: The Body Camera I use & recommend: Check out the Official Long Island Audit Store. We have T-Shirts, Hooded Sweatshirts , Hats , Coffee Mugs & much more with over 25 custom designs! The Link Is Below ???? All store proceeds will help with legal fees to fight unlawful arrests, civil lawsuits & to keep me traveling to a city near you to expose tyranny! All Products Are Proudly MADE IN USA! __________________________________________________________________ Join Our NEW "We the People" Membership! It’s a Great Way to Support The Channel & Our Mission! Membership Includes: Loyalty Badges Exclusive Emojis Photos and Status Updates Member Shout-Outs Priority reply to comments Discounted merchandise Members-only polls Join Here: I have started a Patreon where I will be uploading all the uncensored videos that YouTube won’t let me upload if you’d like to sign up and support the channel you can do so here: __________________________________________________________________ If you’d like to support the mission for government transparency & accountability and help keep LIA on the road to fight tyranny across our great country you can do so via the links below ???? All donations will also help with legal fees to fight Unlawful Arrests & file Civil Rights Lawsuits! PayPal: Venmo: CashApp:$LONGISLANDAUDIT Thank you for all the support! It's greatly appreciated! TOGETHER we can create real change! _________________________________________________________________ Thumbnail Created By Hector Muniz If you need any graphic design work done contact him via the email above and let him know LIA sent you! Don’t Forget to hit the like button it helps the algorithm send this video to more Patriots like yourself! Disclaimer : Video is for educational purposes only, The legal topics covered in Long Island Audit are designed to be educational and informative , and should not serve as legal advice under any circumstances. The contents of this video is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens about constitutionally protected activities, law, and civilian rights, and emphasize the importance of constitutional awareness.w |
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