General information relayed from the auditor's YouTube audit video.
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AUDITOR / PUBLIC Majority Vote: |
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Audit ID: | 10541 |
Audit type: | FIRST AMENDMENT |
Region: | USA |
Date: | 22 Apr 2021 |
Auditor: | |
Description: | This is a follow up video, if you haven't watched the first video watch it here: In the first video, April 19th 2021, I was conducting a 1st Amendment Audit on the United States Post Office in Riverhead, NY. As I was peaceably filming and exercising my first Amendment right I was threatened and had the door slammed on my hand/arm by a USPS federal employee. This federal employee refused to identify himself. We all know that if I would have exibited half the agression this man did I would be arrested. In THIS video, I tried to get the federal employees information from the post master, he was unwilling to provide me this information and even said he was "protecting" his employee. Protecting him even AFTER seeing my video and his employees conduct. I was disheartened by this, and decided that I would press charges on this federal employee so there can be some sort of accountability. Since I was getting none from post master. Everyone has to be accountable for their behavior. You shouldn't be working for the public if you can't treat the public with respect. I make it a point not to curse or raise my voice in my videos because I take this seriously. I want to affect change in my county and state. I cannot do that if I'm acting like a fool. My goal is to educated government employees on our 1st amendment right through peaceful protest. Also to hold those accountable who choose to violate those rights or break the law. Lastly the police in my state do not wear body cameras. They are one of the highest paid police in the nation! It's absurd to me that they are not equipped with body cameras. Body cameras will protect good cops, good citizens and provide accountability and transparency for all. If you would like to call and let your voice be heard see contact information below: Office of Inspector General USPS 703-248-2100 Suffolk County District Attorney ADA Danielle Carter 631-853-4161 USPS Federal Employee (Who threatened and slammed the door on me) Name: John Smeck USPS POSTMASTER (RIVERHEAD,NY) Name: Francis Police Report #21007904 Feel free to email me with any questions or advice! I received many calls and emails of support from you guys and I answer everyone one of them. You all are greatly appreciated! Show your Support the Channel & The Constitution! PayPal Venmo @LONGISLANDAUDIT Cash app @LONGISLANDAUDIT Thanks for watching hit the like button it helps the algorithm to send this to more patriots like yourself! |
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