General information relayed from the auditor's YouTube audit video.
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AUDITOR / PUBLIC Majority Vote: |
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Audit ID: | 13217 |
Audit type: | FIRST AMENDMENT |
Region: | USA |
Date: | 25 Aug 2021 |
Auditor: | |
Description: | Recently I was conducting a 1st Amendement Audit on the Hartford, CT City Hall. I was surpised and delighted to be met with people who respected peacefully exercisizing of our rights. I even had a great conversation with a supporter and patriot Edwin, who is a Firefighter in the city of Hartford. I wanted to upload this video to show the world that there is a good side to auditing and I meet some amazing patritots along the way. The goal is not to spread hate, iits tp educate. May times we as a community band together when we encounter tyrants and we make phone calls and write emails redressing our grievances to our goverment. This is a powerful tool we have to fight against tyranny and I truly appreciate each and every one of your emails and phone calls. That is how we hold them accountable! Also when we see public employees like Edwin we need to call and email to give them commendations because he has the courage to stand up for what is right which isnt easy when you are surrounded by tyrants! We need to show our fellow patriots we stand with them! I will leave relevant contact information below. Remember it is your RIGHT! ________________________________________ City of Hartford Fire Department +1 860-757-4500 _________________________________________ Feel free to email me with any questions, advice or tips. I receive many emails of support from you guys and I try to answer everyone one of them. You all are greatly appreciated! You all are true Patriots! __________________________________________ Help L.I.A travel to expose tyranny! Show your Support for the Channel & The Constitution! PayPal Venmo @LONGISLANDAUDIT Cash app @LONGISLANDAUDIT Thanks for the support! It's greatly appreciated! __________________________________________ Hit the like button it helps the algorithm to send this to more patriots like yourself! Protect yourself and your family with a Dashboard Camera, I highly recommend! |
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(also used for those "you do not wanna call.." moments LOL)
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