General information relayed from the auditor's YouTube audit video.
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AUDITOR / PUBLIC Majority Vote: |
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Audit ID: | 19811 |
Audit type: | FIRST AMENDMENT |
Region: | USA |
Date: | 04 Dec 2021 |
Auditor: | |
Description: | This response from Captain John Ceruti of the CT. State Police DISGUSTS me! NO accountability for their Unlawful Actions. My phone was stolen from me, broken, and I was assaulted, all in broad daylight on camera. Yet they still find a way to blame it all on me! Not the criminal Sgt. Bryan Fahey. Despicable. Here’s the link to the original video: I truly appreciate all your support, without each and every one of you this would not be possible ______________________________________________________________________________ If you feel the need to redress your grievances to your government regarding this incident I will leave contact information below. Always remember, this is your right under the 1st Amendment to the U.S Constitution! _________________________________________ Connecticut State Police Internal Affairs: Captain John Ceruti (Wrote the Conclusion Letter) John.Ceruti@Ct.Gov Lieutenant Colonel Jack Goncalves E-Mail: 877-746-1922 Channel 3 WFSB Connecticut News Desk Phone: 860-244-1700 Email: Officers Involved: Sgt. Bryan Fahey (Assaulted me, Threatened me & Broke my phone) Trooper Lavoie (Unlawfully detained me for 20 minutes and placed me in handcuffs taking my phone, forcing me to identify myself under threat of arrest) Sgt. Drummond (Sgt. On scene at the airport) Trooper Costello (Was on scene with body camera during assault by Sgt Fahey) __________________________________________ Check out our newly launched Website! This is where you can not only enter into DAILY giveaway contests where I am talking with as many of you as possible and giving away GoPros & Body camera’s to promote transparency and accountability towards our government. But You can also send tips on tyrants near you that you would like me to audit, As well as read all my Complaint Statements, Lawsuits, Court Motions, IA Reports, Police Reports and much much more! We will be constantly updating with new information! __________________________________________ Support the Channel & The Constitutional Fight against Tyranny! Shop our new T-Shirt Collection with over 60 custom designs! MADE IN USA! _________________________________________ Feel free to email me with any questions, advice or tips. I receive many emails of support from you guys and I try to answer everyone one of them. You all are greatly appreciated! You all are true Patriots! __________________________________________ Help L.I.A travel to expose tyranny! Show your Support for the Channel & The Constitution! PayPal Venmo @LONGISLANDAUDIT Cash app @LONGISLANDAUDIT Thanks for the support! It's greatly appreciated! __________________________________________ Hit the like button it helps the algorithm to send this to more patriots like yourself! The Body Camera I use & Recommend! Protect yourself and your family with a Dashboard Camera, I highly recommend! |
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