General information relayed from the auditor's YouTube audit video.
Fail 1 votes (Pass: 0 Fail: 1) |
AUDITOR / PUBLIC Majority Vote: |
Pass 1 votes (Pass: 1 Fail: 0) |
Audit ID: | 22150 |
Audit type: | FIRST AMENDMENT |
Region: | USA |
Date: | 08 Mar 2022 |
Auditor: | |
Description: | Fellow Patriots & Freedom lovers, I wanted to highlight one of the worst cases of corruption of I’ve ever seen. Four Cop Watchers from Texas were arrested for Organized Crime by the Livingston Police Department for simply exercising their constitutional rights. We need to come together peacefully and stand up for what is right! We cannot let this injustice stand! Two of the four cop watchers have been in jail for over a month because their bond is a ridiculous $100,000! If you would like to donate to help with the bond money for Melanie & Brandon you can donate via PayPal. We were originally using a Crowdfunding site but it’s not working correctly. So until we get that sorted out you can send any donations via link below: We will work on getting the link back up for transparency purposes. Thank you! It is a tragedy that they have lost their freedom for over a month now! Check out Matt & Ishmael’s Chanel’s for the full videos and see how you can donate to help them with their bonds and legal fees. HBO Matt: Corners News: Please be sure to hit the like button, it truly helps spread this around for more Patriots to see it and I appreciate it! ________________________________________________________________________ If you feel the need to peacefully petition your grievances against your government or commend any public servants behavior regarding this incident I will leave public contact information below. Always remember, this is your right under the 1st Amendment to the U.S Constitution! Hurt feelings affidavits narrated by Officer Simmons, Officer Reyes, Detective Kaleb Barker, and Sergeant Bogany with the Livingston Texas Police Department. Livingston Police Department 208 W Church St, Livingston, TX 77351 (936) 327-3117 Warrants showing no probable cause signed by "Honorable" John Wells, Livingston, Polk County 411th District Court John Wells III 101 West Mill Street, Suite 279 Livingston, TX 77351 Phone: 936-327-6848 Fax: 936-327-6860 Polk County District Attorney’s Office 101 W Mill St suite 216 suite 216, Livingston, TX 77351 (936) 327-6868 Polk County Sheriff’s Office 1733 N Washington Ave, Livingston, TX 77351 (936) 327-6810 __________________________________________________________________ Support the Channel & The Constitutional Fight against Tyranny! All proceeds will help with legal fees to fight unlawful arrests & civil lawsuits! Shop our new T-Shirt & Hat Collection with over 25 custom designs! MADE IN USA! __________________________________________ Check out our newly launched Website! This is where you can not only enter into DAILY giveaway contests where I am talking with as many of you as possible and giving away GoPros & Body camera’s to promote transparency and accountability towards our government. But You can also send tips on tyrants near you that you would like me to audit, As well as read all my Complaint Statements, Lawsuits, Court Motions, IA Reports, Police Reports and much much more! We will be constantly updating with new information! _________________________________________ Feel free to email me with any questions, advice or tips. I receive many emails of support from you guys and I try to answer everyone one of them. You all are greatly appreciated! You all are true Patriots! __________________________________________ Help keep L.I.A on the road to fight tyranny! All Donations will also help with legal fees fighting unlawful arrests & Civil Lawsuits! Show your Support for the Channel & The Constitution! PayPal: Venmo @LONGISLANDAUDIT Cash app @LONGISLANDAUDIT *I do not use GoFundMe any longer given the fact they have proven they are against freedom. I have started using a new platform for donations called GoSendGo* Donate Here: Thanks for the support! It's greatly appreciated! __________________________________________ Hit the like button it helps the algorithm to send this to more patriots like yourself! The Body Camera I use & Recommend! Protect yourself and your family with a Dashboard Camera, I highly recommend! |
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